Logistic Regression =================== The logistic regression classification algorithm with LASSO (L1) or ridge (L2) regularization. **Inputs** - Data: input dataset - Preprocessor: preprocessing method(s) **Outputs** - Learner: logistic regression learning algorithm - Model: trained model - Coefficients: logistic regression coefficients **Logistic Regression** learns a [Logistic Regression](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logistic_regression) model from the data. It only works for classification tasks. ![](images/LogisticRegression-stamped.png) 1. A name under which the learner appears in other widgets. The default name is "Logistic Regression". 2. [Regularization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regularization_(mathematics)) type (either [L1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Least_squares#Lasso_method) or [L2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tikhonov_regularization)). Set the cost strength (default is C=1). 3. Press *Apply* to commit changes. If *Apply Automatically* is ticked, changes will be communicated automatically. Preprocessing ------------- Logistic Regression uses default preprocessing when no other preprocessors are given. It executes them in the following order: - removes instances with unknown target values - continuizes categorical variables (with one-hot-encoding) - removes empty columns - imputes missing values with mean values To remove default preprocessing, connect an empty [Preprocess](../data/preprocess.md) widget to the learner. Feature Scoring --------------- Logistic Regression can be used with Rank for feature scoring. See [Learners as Scorers](../../learners-as-scorers/index.md) for an example. Example ------- The widget is used just as any other widget for inducing a classifier. This is an example demonstrating prediction results with logistic regression on the *hayes-roth* dataset. We first load *hayes-roth_learn* in the [File](../data/file.md) widget and pass the data to **Logistic Regression**. Then we pass the trained model to [Predictions](../evaluate/predictions.md). Now we want to predict class value on a new dataset. We load *hayes-roth_test* in the second **File** widget and connect it to **Predictions**. We can now observe class values predicted with **Logistic Regression** directly in **Predictions**. ![](images/LogisticRegression-classification.png)