.. currentmodule:: Orange.data ############################ Data Instance (``instance``) ############################ Class :obj:`Instance` represents a data instance, typically retrieved from a :obj:`Orange.data.Table` or :obj:`Orange.data.sql.SqlTable`. The base class contains a copy of the data; modifying does not change the data in the storage from which the instance was retrieved. Derived classes (e.g. :obj:`Orange.data.table.RowInstance`) can represent views into various data storages, therefore changing them actually changes the data. Like data tables, every data instance is associated with a domain and its data is split into attributes, classes, meta attributes and the weight. Its constructor thus requires a domain and, optionally, data. For the following example, we borrow the domain from the Iris dataset. :: >>> from Orange.data import Table, Instance >>> iris = Table("iris") >>> inst = Instance(iris.domain, [5.2, 3.8, 1.4, 0.5, "Iris-virginica"]) >>> inst [5.2, 3.8, 1.4, 0.5 | Iris-virginica] >>> inst0 = Instance(iris.domain) >>> inst0 [?, ?, ?, ? | ?] The instance's data can be retrieved through attributes :obj:`x`, :obj:`y` and :obj:`metas`. :: >>> inst.x array([ 5.2, 3.8, 1.4, 0.5]) >>> inst.y array([ 2.]) >>> inst.metas array([], dtype=object) Other utility functions provide for easier access to the instances data. :: >>> inst.get_class() Value('iris', Iris-virginica) >>> for e in inst.attributes(): ... print(e) ... 5.2 3.8 1.4 0.5 .. autoclass:: Instance :members: Constructor requires a domain and the data as numpy array, an existing instance from the same or another domain or any Python iterable. Domain can be omitted it the data is given as an existing data instances. When the instance is not from the given domain, Orange converts it. >>> from Orange.preprocess import DomainDiscretizer >>> discretizer = DomainDiscretizer() >>> d_iris = discretizer(iris) >>> d_inst = Instance(d_iris, inst) Rows of Data Tables ------------------- .. autoclass:: RowInstance :members: `RowInstance` is a specialization of :obj:`~Orange.data.Instance` that represents a row of :obj:`Orange.data.Table`. `RowInstance` is returned by indexing a `Table`. The difference between `Instance` and `RowInstance` is that the latter represents a view into the table: changing the `RowInstance` changes the data in the table:: >>> iris[42] [4.4, 3.2, 1.3, 0.2 | Iris-setosa] >>> inst = iris[42] >>> inst.set_class("Iris-virginica") >>> iris[42] [4.4, 3.2, 1.3, 0.2 | Iris-virginica] Dense tables can also be modified directly through :obj:`x`, :obj:`y` and :obj:`metas`. :: >>> inst.x[0] = 5 >>> iris[42] [5.0, 3.2, 1.3, 0.2 | Iris-virginica] Sparse tables cannot be changed in this way.