Data Sampler ============ Selects a subset of data instances from an input dataset. **Inputs** - Data: input dataset **Outputs** - Data Sample: sampled data instances - Remaining Data: out-of-sample data The **Data Sampler** widget implements several data sampling methods. It outputs a sampled and a complementary dataset (with instances from the input set that are not included in the sampled dataset). The output is processed after the input dataset is provided and *Sample Data* is pressed. ![](images/DataSampler-stamped.png) 1. Information on the input and output dataset. 2. The desired sampling method: - **Fixed proportion of data** returns a selected percentage of the entire data (e.g. 70% of all the data) - **Fixed sample size** returns a selected number of data instances with a chance to set *Sample with replacement*, which always samples from the entire dataset (does not subtract instances already in the subset). With replacement, you can generate more instances than available in the input dataset. - [Cross Validation]( partitions data instances into the specified number of complementary subsets. Following a typical validation schema, all subsets except the one selected by the user are output as Data Sample, and the selected subset goes to Remaining Data. (Note: In older versions, the outputs were swapped. If the widget is loaded from an older workflow, it switches to compatibility mode.) - [Bootstrap]( infers the sample from the population statistic. 3. *Replicable sampling* maintains sampling patterns that can be carried across users, while *stratify sample* mimics the composition of the input dataset. 4. Press *Sample Data* to output the data sample. If all data instances are selected (by setting the proportion to 100 % or setting the fixed sample size to the entire data size), output instances are still shuffled. Examples -------- First, let's see how the **Data Sampler** works. We will use the *iris* data from the [File](../data/ widget. We see there are 150 instances in the data. We sampled the data with the **Data Sampler** widget and we chose to go with a fixed sample size of 5 instances for simplicity. We can observe the sampled data in the [Data Table](../data/ widget (Data Table (in-sample)). The second [Data Table](../data/ (Data Table (out-of-sample)) shows the remaining 145 instances that weren't in the sample. To output the out-of-sample data, double-click the connection between the widgets and rewire the output to *Remaining Data --> Data*. ![](images/DataSampler-Example1.png) Now, we will use the **Data Sampler** to split the data into training and testing part. We are using the *iris* data, which we loaded with the [File](../data/ widget. In **Data Sampler**, we split the data with *Fixed proportion of data*, keeping 70% of data instances in the sample. Then we connected two outputs to the [Test & Score](../evaluate/ widget, *Data Sample --> Data* and *Remaining Data --> Test Data*. Finally, we added [Logistic Regression](../model/ as the learner. This runs logistic regression on the Data input and evaluates the results on the Test Data. ![](images/DataSampler-Example2.png) Over/Undersampling ------------------ **Data Sampler** can also be used to oversample a minority class or undersample majority class in the data. Let us show an example for oversampling. First, separate the minority class using a [Select Rows](../data/ widget. We are using the *iris* data from the [File](../data/ widget. The data set has 150 data instances, 50 of each class. Let us oversample, say, *iris-setosa*. In **Select Rows**, set the condition to *iris is iris-setosa*. This will output 50 instances of the *iris-setosa* class. Now, connect *Matching Data* into the **Data Sampler**, select *Fixed sample size*, set it to, say, 100 and select *Sample with replacement*. Upon pressing *Sample Data*, the widget will output 100 instances of *iris-setosa* class, some of which will be duplicated (because we used *Sample with replacement*). Finally, use [Concatenate](../data/concatenate) to join the oversampled instances and the *Unmatched Data* output of the **Select Rows** widget. This outputs a data set with 200 instances. We can observe the final results in the [Distributions](../visualize/distributions). ![](images/DataSampler-Example-OverUnderSampling.png)